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The Forensic FLAG-MAN™ : Issue One: Page Four

Kieth Steamer needs a shower after licking his pal, Boris Johnson’s boots at PMQs for the umpteenth time.

Kieth Steamer needs a shower after licking his pal, Boris Johnson’s boots at PMQs for the umpteenth time. (Here’s the first 8 pages).

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LABOUR COMICS’ FLAG-MAN™ was designed to be printable in A4 dimensions, but this copy is low resolution for the interwebz. High-def copies are available for print FREE on request.

email: annnarkeh(at)gmail(dot)com

(With sincere, humble apologies to Mighty Marvel Comics).

I used GIMP to make FLAG-MAN™. GIMP is FREE open source image manipulation software. Infinite gratitude to and respect for all the brilliant developers creating and sharing amazing freeware like GIMP for we proles to express our malcontent with.

Wear a fucking mask.

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